Into the Secret Place

For some time people around me have said, “God is calling people out of the old structured church system, but they need something else to go to. You can’t tell people what they are leaving, without giving them something to do instead.” What followed was the suggestion that perhaps it was home groups and/or some other form of meetings or conferences. It sounded feasible to me at the time, but I was not sure about any sort of application on that thought.

Therefore, "Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord…" And, "I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty." 2 Corinthians 6:17-18 NIV

I was in prayer not so long ago about the current state of The Church (as a whole) and the structured church system when God reminded me of that first thought, only now He completed the thought. He said to me, “I am calling people out of the old church system into the Secret Place of My presence.”

You hide them in the secret place of Your presence. Psalm 31:20 NASB

This place is secret, sacred and hidden from the eyes and the understanding of the world. To abandon the outward measures of success is offensive to many, but what joy we have to find accomplishment from things in Christ which are considered foolish, powerless and despised in the worlds understanding.

Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful. God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important. 1 Corinthians 1:27-28 NLT
Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4:16 NIV

It makes no sense to others when we prioritise being hidden in the secret place of God’s sweet presence. The Secret Place of His presence is the place of His heart, the place where the bride is brought forth.

So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place. The Lord God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man. The man said, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” Genesis 2:21-23 NASB

Something happened in this scene which God did when He brought forth a bride for Adam, from out of Adam’s side. There is a beautiful parallel where this happened again with Jesus on the cross. We are “bone of His bones, and flesh of His flesh” because we are the bride which was brought forth from the side of Jesus.

One of the soldiers, however, pierced his side with a spear, and immediately blood and water flowed out. (This report is from an eyewitness giving an accurate account. He speaks the truth so that you also can believe.) John 19:34-35 NLT
And there are three that bear witness on earth, the Spirit and the water and the blood; and these three agree in one. 1 John 5:8 JB

There are witnesses within us, the earth. These are the Holy Spirit which was given to us, and also the water and the blood of Jesus within us. The blood of Jesus carries the life of His body, of which we are a part.

For the life of the body is in its blood. I have given you the blood on the altar to purify you, making you right with the LORD. It is the blood, given in exchange for a life, that makes purification possible. Leviticus 17:11 NLT

What a beautiful picture we have of the blood of Jesus. Now we see more revelation hidden within the water flowing out of Jesus’ side. The mystery is with the Israelites in the desert. There was a miracle of water supernaturally coming from a rock where there had previously been no water.

And drank the same spiritual drink, for they drank from the spiritual rock that went with them. That rock was the Messiah. 1 Corinthians 10:4 ISV

This action of Jesus being pierced on the cross and the water flowing out was in fulfilment of Moses’ actions to strike the rock, bringing forth water in the desert. Jesus was struck so that we could have this river of living water for ourselves. Here is another beautiful picture of how we come back to the rock.

O my dove, in the clefts of the rock, In the secret place of the steep pathway, Let me see your form, Let me hear your voice; For your voice is sweet, And your form is lovely. Song of Songs 2:14 NASB

We are situated here in the cleft of the Rock which is Jesus. He is our refuge and our secret place to shelter from the storms of life. We thrive in life when we are hidden in the cleft of the Rock, enclosed around by the hand of God.

And while my glory passes by I will put you in a cleft of the rock, and I will cover you with my hand until I have passed by. Exodus 33:22 ESV

We are to be hidden in His hand, within the cleft of the rock.

You have enclosed me behind and before, and laid Your hand upon me. Psalm 139:5 NASB
And I have put my words in your mouth and hidden you safely in my hand. Isaiah 51:16 NLT

How lovely are the dwelling places of God that we get to share with Him. We are nestled into His side within His heart and hidden safely by His sweet nail-pierced hand.

Lead me to the rock that is higher than I, for you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the enemy. Let me dwell in your tent forever! Let me take refuge under the shelter of your wings! Selah. Psalm 61:2-4 ESV

The prayer here is to lead me to the rock that is higher than I. As I was reading this, I felt to share it from the Passion translation.

O God, hear my prayer. Listen to my heart’s cry. For no matter where I am, even when I’m far from home, I will cry out to you for a Father’s help. When I’m feeble and overwhelmed by life, guide me into your glory where I am safe and sheltered. Lord, you are a paradise of protection to me. You lift me high above the fray. None of my foes can touch me when I’m held firmly in your wrap-around presence! Keep me in this glory. Let me live continually under your splendour-shadow, hiding my life in your forever. (Pause in his presence) Psalm 61:1-4 TPT

What a beautiful picture being painted here. David is talking about being sheltered in God’s glory and being held in His wrap-around presence, no matter where we are. When we cry out to God, we are taken into the rock of God’s glory and wrapped up in this secret place within our hearts, within God’s heart. It is a mystery hidden within a mystery.